Prabodh Rijal

Hoste Hainse is an organization with a serious concern about education for underprivileged children in Nepal, very low overhead costs and a vision.
Prabodh Prabhakar Rijal believes that every problem is caused by oneself and that Nepal will find its way towards
development only through education. He became one of the latest additions to the Hoste Hainse board when he joined the board in 2014. Even though he has not been active with Hoste Hainse in the past, he works as the Hoste Hainse board's General Secretary which means that he is the one to deal with all the board's official outgoing activities. Apart from Hoste Hainse, he is very interested in Astronomy which made some of his students be involved in the first astronomical exhibition in Nepal.
Prabodh earned his high school degree at KITIMI High School, Kathmandu. He studied his Bachelor's and Master's in
Economics which he completed at Tribhuvan Universiy, Kathmandu. Coming from this economic background he started to work as a teacher at Eureka High School, a private high school in Kathmandu, where he later became the principal. Teaching Social Studies to children of all ages, he had a connection to the subject of education as well as awareness to social problems long before he got in touch with Hoste Hainse. Prabodh describes Sulochana Shrestha-Shah as his close friend and consultant at the same time. During their strong exchange of ideas on how to improve educational system in Nepal, they found many in-line visions and points of discussion. For example, Prabodh established pre-service training for teachers who apply to work at his school - because he believes that not everybody who studied "education" or any specific education subject is ready to become a teacher. This and his experience in the educational sector were probably why Sulo approached him in 2014 to become a Board Member, what he took on with pleasure. From that time on, he helps out in the Hoste Hainse board discussions with his practical experience in the educational field.
During his time as a teacher as well as a principal, he was chosen to represent Nepal with 21 Nepalese students from three
different schools at Expo 2000 in Hannover, Germany, where student delegations from 13 different countries gathered together and spent 22 days in cultural exchange and understanding. He was accompanied by the Hoste Hainse board's advisor, Rishi Shah, and a volunteer.
For Prabodh, Hoste Hainse's greatest quality is its ability to run a functioning NGO (non-governmental organization) with
a very low overhead - because he believes that each and every donation should be distributed to needy recipients as directly as possible. Moreover, he appreciates the continuity with which Hoste Hainse has been able to be active over the last 25+ years, without deviating from its main concern and without any disruptions.
Prabodh believes that there are areas in which Hoste Hainse can improve its performance and that area is the area of
documentation. It sounds very simple but with the ever increasing large number of information every year it is a very challenging task for Hoste Hainse. Prabodh also believes that the electronic systems put in place recently, will lighten this problem to some extent.